Sunday, June 14, 2009

myspace part 07

  • plastic people

    are people just puppets in the hands of someone?
    are we just puppets in the hands of something?

    yep..they're pulling the strings. or maybe not. er?

    who knows..

  • Niekedy je asi lepsie byt blaznom

    Niekedy je asi lepsie byt blaznom

    Nie naozaj myslim to vazne

    Ci nevazne s vaznostou vaznej vahy?

    Mozno je to len strata odvahy

    Niekedy je asi lepsie byt blaznom

    Starosti inych nevidno zmyslom

    Lietajuce sochy pohltia mysel

    Niet nad lepsi horsi vymysel

    Niekedy je asi lepsie byt blaznom

    Ked putujes sam prazdnym lesom

    Niekedy je asi lepsie byt blaznom

    Ako ked putujes prazdnym lesom

    Niekedy je asi lepsie byt blaznom

    Dospela k takym vaznym nazorom

    Hovori o sebe v tretej osobe

    O sebe osobe v tretom rozmere

    Niekedy je asi lepsie byt blaznom

    Ked putujes sam prazdnym lesom

    Mozes sa plazit, lietat, chodit posvojom

    Vo svojom pocite krasnom a stratenom

  • halve it

    a man comes

    she's standing there

    he comes to her, asks

    if he could take a bit

    she says no

    just take it all

    why don't halve it

    split it in two

    don't halve it

    halve it

    then he said better no

    turning his back

    leaving alone

    and alone nowhere

    no place none


    no place


    why don't halve it

    split it in two

    don't halve it

    halve it

    (in two)

    lost persons

    want to be two

    share it or leave

    not so true

    why don't halve it

    split it in two

    don't halve it

    halve it

    (in two)

    and alone nowhere

    no place none


    no place


  • a country of...

    They showed us three Moons

    Coming together into one

    Turning the sky so strange

    Purple, pink and blue

    Colours everywhere

    We stopped and watched

    Three Moons coming together

    the sky was so different that day

    the picture of the sky changed

    see the three eyes on a face without a mouth

    a spaceship above our heads

    someone disembarks the ship

    we were standing down

    hear the strange voice?

    See the strange face?

    And we realized

    we were in a country of Dali

    but didn't know the bloody thing

    they just put the honey on tounge

    and catch us in cage

    yeah, they chose the best place

    in front of the supermarket cathedral

    what is a saint place

    in this new age…

    colours were everywhere

    colours were everywhere

    but it was just an ilusion

    to make us been theirs
  • tri bodky...

    v mlákach svet sa odráža

    noha do mláky stúpa

    pri stanici tiene ludí

    sedia, cakajú. Cakajú?

    sedia, sklonené hlavy

    stratení vo vlastnom odtieni

    opodial neóny, cervená, modrá

    zelená, a cierna budova

    pes stredom križovatky kráca

    bez obojku, chodník sa stáca

    bez mena, chodník sa stráca

    so slobodou tažiacou na chrbte sa zmáca

    križovatka obrovská a prázdna

    no nikto nezatrúbi vcas

    radšej ho zrazí a zmizne

    odíde vdial a vdial naraz

  • secret garden

  • Ohorok

    A boli ma zub

    A vsetci znami su uz davno prec

    Vstupil do nich novy duch

    A ja nemam po ruke strieborny bajny mec

    Oslava sa skoncila

    A uz len zlomeny ohorok cigarety

    Spadol rezignovane do zvysku vina

    Na dno v prasknutom od ruzu spinavom pohari

    Topi sa, no nevzpiera sa

    Neplace, nekrici, nehneva sa

    Klesa a klesa, nebrani sa


    Starodavny nabytok z cias davno minulych

    Ticho prizera sa, nacuva a spomina zosnulych

    Na sedacke bordovy flak od krvi

    Uz len bledne bledne a napokon sa vytrati

    Topi sa, no nevzpiera sa

    Neplace, nekrici, nehneva sa

    Klesa a klesa, nebrani sa


  • ...whirligig...

    A man is so small..

    So tiny tiny ball

    Not like the world

    Not like the word

    A man just blink with an eye

    in the phone I hear him cry

    but there's no sense in reply

    someone please stop the lieeeee

    a man stands

    a man sits

    a man is on the floor

    people come and go

    (and go and go and go..they're gone)

    a man lies

    hundred years later

    a man lies

    is he dead?

    no he's not

    why to stop

    everything goes

    everything passes

    why to care

    why ever bother

    he's drunk

    he's dumb

    please carry on

    don't stop

    walk away

    please, people scatter in peace


    what people?

    is there even someone?

    just an empty glass I think

    pieces of broken glass on the floor

    the closed door

    the closed door of the world

    it's turning like whirligig

    turning faster and faster

    and you're fasten

    it's mad

    and it's normal

    so what?

    it's ok

    they say

    it's ok
  • Street Spirit

    // street spirit //

    • ...the last night in Dublin...


  • bowie's purple haze

    Current mood:weird

    bowie's purple haze